DXM and Autism

Hi folks,…. for anyone interested in further clarification re my earlier article on DXM and Autism here is a response from one of the medically qualified doctors on my mailing list. …..

Dear Donna,

I found your piece on the possible benefits of detromethorphan in
autism interesting, but you didn’t get the technical stuff quite right.
The drug commonly known as Ectasy is NOT the same as dextromethorphan.
Ecstacy is C11-H15-NO2, while detromethorphan is C18-H25-NO. The only
similarity in the structure is the presence of a Benzene ring, found in
many organic compounds. The chemical name for Ecstasy is
N-Methyl-3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine. Dextromethorphan is actually a
modified opioid drug, similar to morphine or codeine, but with much
less brain or consciousness effects per milligram. That is why it
suppresses coughs in the usual OTC doses. It is true that massive
doses of dextromethorphan can be used(abused) to get high, but I don’t
think it causes brain damage like Ecstasy.

The typical dose of dextromethorphan found in cough mixtures is no more
than 30 mg, usually as 15 mg/5 ml. If we do the math, the “level 1”
dose of 1.5-2.5 mg/kg would require 90-150 mg for 60 kg, which is 3-5
times the typical dose available. So, you really have to work at
getting high on this stuff. Ecstasy is another thing entirely!

I do think it would be very interesting, and relatively safe, to try
the typical cough-treatment doses, or maybe up to twice these doses, of
dextromethorphan in autism. I suspect it would help a sub-group, and
do nothing for the others, but it’s a lot safer than many other things.

I hope this is helpful, and I really enjoy receiving your letters!

PS: TRY http://www.chemindustry.com/chemicals/ for information on

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