About Autism Today Foundation

About the Autism Today Foundation

Executive Members

Karen Simmons

CEO of Autism Today Foundation, Gemologist

Ronald Caissie

President & the Chairman of the board Founder and CEO of Ultimate Progress

Dr. Stephen Shore

Director of Neurodiversity

Dr. Laura Chris Grenn

Director of Social Services

Dr. Christion Bogner

Chief Science Officer

Jonathan Sicoli

Director of Post Production

Advisory Board

Dr. Temple Grandin

Professor of Animal Science at Colorado State University, Autism Rights Advocate

Dr. Tony Attwood

Clinical Psychologist specializing in ASD, Adjunct Professor at Griffith University

Gil Ilutowich

Chairmain of the Board at Avinu Media, CEO at Emotiplay, CEO at Compedia

Ilan Goldberg

COO at Avinu Media, COO at Compedia

Asi Meskin

Business Development Specialist at Compedia

Dr. Alan Kadish

COO at Zim Biosciences, CEO/Founder at Center of Health, CEO/Founder at Pure Living

Bill Macdonald

Founder at Macdonald Tuskey, President/Director at Blackbird Energy, Director at First Americas Gold, Director at Black Springs Capital, Director at Faith Spring Ventures, Chairman of the Board at Canucks Autism Network, Co-Founder at Akiva.

Alexander Landa

Co-Founder at Akiva, Director at Sonasoft

Cheryl Ginnings

Life Coach, International Speaker for Caregivers and Special Needs

Patty Beach

Executive Coach and Leadership Development Expert at LeadershipSmarts, Geologist

Roger Toennis

Managing Partner at Founder Advisors, Board Member at WorkWeb.io

Joseph Batty

Founder at Rethinking Capital, Founder at Pro Ventures Pathway

Robert McGarvey

Founder and Director at Rethinking Capital, Member of the Board of Advisors at Accirculate

Dr. Perry Kinkaide

President of Kinkaide Enterprises, Managing Partner of KPMG Consulting’s National Knowledge Management Practice and Edmonton Regional Office, Director at Varafy, Advisor at Troy Media Digital Solutions, & Former Assistant Deputy Minister, Director of Privatization and Funding Reform, Edmonton Regional Director and Regional Coordinator of Services for the Handicapped with the Alberta Government (1972-1986)

Tina Goldstein

Autistic Self-Advocate and Public Speaker, Neurodiverse Communication Specialist at Wiser Ltd., Board Member at Autism Society of America, Global Cloud Sr. Trainer at Google, Sr. Consultant at Looker, Certified Roger Love Method Speaking Coach, Author of Geeks Guide to Interviews: 15 Critical Items for the Technical Type: Simple Steps to Win the Technical Interview

Ben VanHook

Autistic Self-Advocate and Public Speaker, Programs and Outreach Associate at Organization for Autism Research, Student Representative at American Psychological Association, Former Learning Coach at George Mason University

Dr. Alaaeldin E. Ahmed, M.Sc., Ph.D.

Laboratories Director at Jazan University Medical Research Center, former CEO & CSO at Immuno Diagnostic Laboratories, Independent Life Science Consultant and Advisor, Life Science Consultant at Gerson Lehman Group, Laboratory Director and VP R&D at Kronos Science Laboratory, CSO at Global Reference Laboratories, Laboratory Director at City of Angel Medical Center, Director of Laboratory Operations and Technical Director R&D at Specialty Laboratories Inc., Laboratory Director of Complement and Coagulation Diagnostic Services at Specialty Laboratories, Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine Department at Ohio State University, Post-Doctoral Fellow of the Pathology Department at Glasgow University Hospital, Senior Clinical Biochemist at St. Luke’s Hospital

Karen Chung, CEO & Founder Special Learning, Inc.

Karen has over 14 years in the field of Applied Behavior Analysis and is the CEO and founder of Special Learning, Inc., an education technology company that delivers web-based continuing education training and educational resources, virtual supervision, and consultation to BCBAs, Psychologists, Speech Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Educators and family members of those living with autism across the globe.

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