
Tingle Bells, Tingle Bells! Well, not quite, but these special “Tinglers” founded by Wendy Robbins and partner, Jorli McLain are finding their way around the world to millions of users. If you haven’t seen or heard of them yet…..you will. These fabulous sensory tools have been found to be extremely helpful where people have had brain damage, Alzheimer’s, have been sexually abused and most recently helping our population with autism and Asperger’s syndrome.

It only makes sense that this contraption would help these individuals who also suffer from sensory dysfunction.

Quote from Jonathan Sicoli age 13 who has autism!

“I think the tingler feels very relaxing. It is one of the most comforting things to come along since the “aquamassage”. If I’m upset, it helps to calm me down. It feels like…….well I can’t exactly describe it but it feels real good, so try it for yourself.”

Click here to find out how you can get your tingler!

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