Important Recent Studies From Major Universities

By David Kirby, Author, Evidence of Harm

Comments Kirby: I put this together and found it useful to send to the “no evidence” crowd.

FYI _ I did not post the interview transcript on the BMJ site
(reposted in yesterday’s SAR). It was done without my knowledge. I am happy that it is up, but will ask that the record reflect that I myself did not submit it

Very recent studies, presented by top university researchers at major autism conferences or published in respected, peer-reviewed journals, have reported the following findings possibly supporting a link between mercury and autism. Some of this work has been derided by the CDC as “junk science” conducted by “charlatans”:

Univeristy Of Washington / National Institutes Of Environmental Health
Sciences – Published In Environmental Health Perspectives

In primates, ethylmercury from vaccines (in the form of thimerosal), once it enters the brain, converts to inorganic mercury at two to three times the rate of methylmercury, which is found in fish. Inorganic mercury lacks a natural transport system out of the brain, where it remains for long periods of time, perhaps indefinitely. A previous study by the same team found that inorganic mercury was the main cause of serious changes in brain tissue, including a major expansion of microglial cells (white matter), which is consistent with the finding of “big brains” in autistic children.

University Of California – M.I.N.D. Institute – Presented At The 2005
Interational Meeting For Autism Research

Children with autism have a markedly different immune profile from
normal kids. They are found to have increased autoimmunity, extremely
high levels of certain immune cells and cytokines, and an imbalance of immune cells to antibodies (TH1 vs. TH2 response). ALL of these abnormal
conditions appear in the literature on mercury toxicity.

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School Of Public Health – Published In The
Journal Pediatrics

The rate of increase in new cases of autism among children born
every year in the United States was relatively stable until 1987, when the rate suddenly began to spike, and then continued to rise among children born in each subsequent birth cohort. A second spike in the rate of increase was noted in 1992, a few years after which, the rate began to level off. (It
is interesting to note that, between 1987 and 1992, with the introduction of
new thimerosal containing vaccines, total mercury exposure from infant
immunization went from 75 to nearly 240 micrograms). Meanwhile, the
reported incidence of mental retardation and other childhood disorders remained constant, meaning that “diagnostic substitution” was not an explanation for the rise in autism cases.

University Of Arkansas – Arkansas Children’s Hospital Published In The
Journal Biology

Children with autism have extremely low or depleted levels of
sulfur-based bio-chemicals known as thiols (a synonym for thiol is
mercaptan, or literally, “mercury capturer,”). The reason is thought to
be genetic. Without these substances, such as the protein glutathione, these
genetically variant children suffer from oxidative stress, and show a
reduced capacity to eliminate heavy metals like mercury. Biomedical
intervention with a variety of natural substances was shown to elevate
thiol levels in study children to normal levels.

Columbia University – Published In Molecular Psychology
Mice with a genetic predisposition to autoimmunity showed horrific
reactions to thimerosal containing vaccines, compared to mice without the
autoimmunity. Sensitive mice showed repetitive and self-injurious
behavior, including grooming themselves or their cage mates incessantly, sometimes to the point of death. They also were found to have increased brain size compared to the typical (control) mice exposed to the same vaccine

Northeastern University -Published In Molecular Psychiatry
Thimerosal, when exposed to cells with certain genetic mutations,
can interfere with critical metabolic processes, including something called
methylation. Methylation is crucial for proper gene expression and
DNA/RNA growth, and for the development of neurotransmitters and essential fatty acids – including myelin – which protect the nerves and brain.
Methylation is also needed for the development of sulfur-based thiols (or “mercury capturers”) such as glutathione, and other detoxification functions.

University Of Texas – Published In The Journal Health And Place
Mercury released primarily from coal-fired power plants may be
contributing to an increase in the number of cases of autism. The study
found that autism increased in Texas counties as mercury emissions rose.
For every thousand pounds of environmentally released mercury, there was a 61 percent increase in autism rates. The study looked at Texas
county-by-county levels of mercury emissions and compared them to the rates of autism and special education services in 1,200 Texas school districts. One county with low mercury emissions but significant autism rates was found to harbor the nation’s largest mercury mine. An author of the study said it shows a potentially “important connection between environmental exposure to mercury and the development of autism.”

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