A Review of An OT and SLP Approach: Sensory and Communication Strategies That Work by Nancy Kashman and Janet Mora Reviewed By Maureen Bennie

A Review of An OT and SLP Approach: Sensory and Communication Strategies That Work
by Nancy Kashman and Janet Mora Reviewed By Maureen Bennie

Nancy Kashman, occupational therapist, and Janet Mora, speech-language pathologist, have joined forces to create a team approach in tackling the difficulties of sensory integration. Their book focuses on sensory difficulties that manifest themselves in the processing of sensory information and behavior. Each chapter teams an OT approach with a visual strategy approach provided by the SLP. Every chapter has examples highlighted in italicized writing to draw attention to successful strategies used with children.

There are a few “points at a glance” which provide easy to read information in bullets on pages 45, 49, and 52. There is a good chart, Environmental Effects on Level of Arousal, on page 65 that lists what stimuli is arousing or calming. Chapter 7, Intervention, outlines all its strategies in the east to follow bullet format.

The book has 10 chapters and appendices A through I. I thought the ideas for use of videos for assessment and intervention in Chapter 9 was beneficial. Chapter 10 highlights three case studies for a team approach in sensory integration but I would like to see more examples sited. The appendices provide practical information such as guidelines for assessing an environment, how to make stuffed pants, how to make stuffed sweatshirts, and how to construct a weighted vest. These items are quite expensive because they are special order so guidelines for making your own will save you money. I love what items to put in an oral box in Appendix F and the general communication tips listed in the bullet format in Appendix H.

The assessments, resources and recommended readings located at the back of the book are thorough. There are illustrations throughout the book to support a strategy or point such as what sitting in the “W” position looks like (pg. 76). Any suggested intervention is supported by a list of recommendations or guidelines for implementation.

I found this book to be a great practical guide written in an easy to understand and easy to follow format. It could be used successfully by professionals, teachers, and parents who are coordinating their own therapy/intervention team.

This resource book can be ordered on-line for $39.95 at Exceptional Resources (www.exceptionalresources.com) or by calling 1-877-482-1555.

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