Dr. Granpeesheh’s unwavering commitment to provide evidence-based treatment is reflected in CARD’s comprehensive treatment curriculum which producessuccessful outcomes for every child CARD treats. To increase access to evidence-based treatment, CARD launched Skills™ (www.SkillsforAutism.com),an innovative web-based toolkit that optimizes treatment programs for individuals with autism spectrum disorder by providing comprehensive assessment and curriculum, positive support planning for challenging behavior, progress tracking, and treatment evaluation. Skills™ enables healthcare professionals, teachers, parents, and/or caregivers to design and manage a comprehensive, individualized treatment program for childrenand adolescents with autism spectrum disorder.
Dr. Granpeesheh has developed extensive state-of-the-art training programs for CARD’s clinical employees, parents and caregivers, and school personnel which are conducted both in person and via the Internet. As demand for CARD training programs increased, Dr. Granpeesheh established the Institute for Behavioral Training (www.iBehavioralTraining.com) to develop web-based training programs and make them more broadlyavailable, targeting the specific training needs of school districts, parents and caregivers, physicians, and autism treatment providers.
Dr. Granpeesheh has participated in numerous government taskforces and currently co-chairs the Early Intervention sub-committee of the North Los Angeles County Taskforce of the Senate Select Committee on Autism and Related Disorders. She is a member of several scientific and advisory boards and an active member of the Autism Human Rights and Discrimination Initiative Steering Committee. Dr. Granpeesheh was also a member of the Practice Board of the Association for Behavior Analysis International and the Oversight Committee of the Department of Developmental Disabilities for the State of Arizona. In addition, Dr. Granpeesheh is the founding member and president of Autism Care and Treatment Today (ACT Today!), a nonprofit organization that helps families access effective treatment (www.act-today.org).[/stockie_text]