ABOUT Marcia Hinds
Marcia Hinds
Marcia Hinds wrote I Know You’re In There – Winning Our War Against Autism. This inspirational book is the story of her son’s recovery. Ryan works as an aerospace engineer. But more important than that Ryan has friends and is leading a typical life. Marcia has degrees in sociology and psychology from UCLA and is a credentialed teacher. But Marcia’s most impressive credential for writing this book is that she is Ryan’s mother and their family survived the autism diagnosis. Preview her book on Amazon or on her website at https://autism-and-treatment.com/. All profits from Marcia’s book go to research/treatments and to spread the word that autism is treatable.

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Marcia can help you find a doctor or get the email with the interventions that helped Ryan the most, contact her email!
I Know You’re in There: Winning Our War Against Autism
For parents of children with autism and doctors treating autism, this groundbreaking guide will give you the tools to help your child.
There was something wrong with Ryan. His parents knew it before the psychiatrist predicted he would end up in an institution. Ryan was diagnosed with autism at age four. That day changed everything. There was no recovery from autism . . . there was no cure . . . there
was no hope. Or was there?