Our Mission
“To provide a spectrum of solutions that empowers those impacted by autism and neurodiversity to be better seen, heard, understood, valued and appreciated for who they are and to showcase their strengths, gifts and talents so the world can see that greatness exists in everyone.”

Mission Objective

1. The Autism Today Channel
Giving families choice through informative media. Did you know there were alternate methods to solve your problem? We will provide a Spectrum of Solutions for your unique concerns so that you can make your own educated decision for your best path forward. From Early Intervention, Speech, Behavior, and Emotional Support all the way to transitioning into adulthood with Dating, finding Long Term Sustainable Employment, and Living Independently.

2. The ARTS Network
Showing the world the Greatness that Exists in Every Human Being. We provide inspiration and hope by showcasing successful paths forward for situations similar to yours. And we educate businesses and organizations so that they can see how hiring disabled people can improve their bottom lines.

3. The Learning and Education Division (LED)
Assisting research to improve the quality of life of those impacted by autism and neurodiversity. Here we connect those seeking assistance with the products, services and therapies that best suit their unique situations. We educate and enlighten not just individuals with autism and their families, but also their therapists, aides and teachers.