Illinois State University’s Autism Spectrum Institute, Illinois State Board of Education and the Illinois Autism Pervasive Developmental Disabilities Training and Technical Assistance Project (IATTP) were selected by the Huntington, W.V. Autism Training Center to study and pilot a supportmodel for students with autism.
The only state selected for the pilot program, Illinois was chosen forthe partners’ innovative initiatives. Governor Rod Blagojevich said “It’sjust the kind of innovation and creative thinking we need to help schools,students and families in Illinois.”
“The Autism Spectrum Institute (ASI) at Illinois State Universitycollaborating with IATTAP provides support to professionals, parents andfamilies of children with autism spectrum disorders through on-sitetechnical assistance to schools and families,” said Stacey Bock, director ofASI. “The Institute also has a lending library of books, videos, toys andlanguage materials available to students, professionals and parents and is acoordinating site for classroom-, home- and clinic-based research.”
The technical assistance pilot program will place a project consultantwith the family and school staff of a child with autism for six to ninemonths. The consultant will eventually transition out, with one of the teammembers assuming the facilitator role, encompassing function assessment,behavioral intervention training and person-centered planning for developinga long-term plan for the student. The project’s strength includes autismspecific technical assistance, a strong emphasis on parental involvement andthe Positive Behavior Intervention Supports Network from the State Board ofEducation.
IATTP/ISU coordinators will identify students for participation in thepilot, which will begin in January. Illinois State University specificallywill develop web-based training for teachers and paraprofessionals workingwith children with autism spectrum and related communication and behavioraldisorders.Illinois State University’s Autism Spectrum Institute, Illinois State Board of Education and the Illinois Autism Pervasive Developmental Disabilities Training and Technical Assistance Project (IATTP) were selected by the Huntington, W.V. Autism Training Center to study and pilot a supportmodel for students with autism.
The only state selected for the pilot program, Illinois was chosen forthe partners’ innovative initiatives. Governor Rod Blagojevich said “It’sjust the kind of innovation and creative thinking we need to help schools,students and families in Illinois.”
“The Autism Spectrum Institute (ASI) at Illinois State Universitycollaborating with IATTAP provides support to professionals, parents andfamilies of children with autism spectrum disorders through on-sitetechnical assistance to schools and families,” said Stacey Bock, director ofASI. “The Institute also has a lending library of books, videos, toys andlanguage materials available to students, professionals and parents and is acoordinating site for classroom-, home- and clinic-based research.”
The technical assistance pilot program will place a project consultantwith the family and school staff of a child with autism for six to ninemonths. The consultant will eventually transition out, with one of the teammembers assuming the facilitator role, encompassing function assessment,behavioral intervention training and person-centered planning for developinga long-term plan for the student. The project’s strength includes autismspecific technical assistance, a strong emphasis on parental involvement andthe Positive Behavior Intervention Supports Network from the State Board ofEducation.
IATTP/ISU coordinators will identify students for participation in thepilot, which will begin in January. Illinois State University specificallywill develop web-based training for teachers and paraprofessionals workingwith children with autism spectrum and related communication and behavioraldisorders.